How Do Different Types of Landscapes Affect Home Building

Landscapes are the physical features of a land area, its landforms like hills, mountains, water bodies (sea, ponds, rivers, and lakes). Its indigenous living elements such as vegetation, transitory elements like climate and weather, and other man-made features such as buildings, roads, etc. In this manner, a landscape is the geophysical reflection of natural and human activities on land. There are different natural landscapes in the world, with the United States of America being home to diverse landscapes in different regions. We look at some of the landscapes that can be found in the U.S. and how landscapes affect the construction process.

Landscapes Across U.S.


This is a sweeping flat landscape that is usually a lowland at the bottom of valleys or surrounded by mountains. The vegetation of the landscape is often tundra, grassland, or Savannah. The Great Plains of Kansas is an excellent example of this landscape, surrounded on the East by the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains on its West.  This landscape can be very fertile, like Kansas plains, one of the largest producers of corn, wheat, and soy worldwide.


The formation of glacier occurs when snow accumulates over centuries to the point where it exceeds its ablation. This stress of weight leads to deformation and breakage of the ice, thereby forming seracs, crevices, and other features. About ten percent of the earth’s surface is covered with glaciers. This landscape can be found in Alaska as well as in some parts of the Rocky Mountains. 


A coastal region is an area where the land and sea meets, or a land borders a lake or sea. This landscape is characterized by rugged cliffs, tides, and usually massive erosions. The Hawaiian Islands offer the best graphical illustration of this landscape in the U.S. This is typically a sought after destination for most new home builders.


The major features of this landscape are the continuous and high level of rainfall, a strong tree canopy, or in some cases, where the canopy is not enough, a jungle beneath the trees. There are several rain forests in the U.S. The Hoh rainforest, the two national rainforests in Alaska, are examples of temperate rainforests in this region. However, the El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico is a tropical rainforest.


This is another common type of landscape. It is characterized by barrenness, extreme weather, very loose sandy soil, sparse rainfall, and absence of vegetation. Deserts are usually Plains with few hills dotting the landscape. Most U.S. deserts can be found in Nevada, California, and Arizona. If you plan on building a home in the desert you’ll want to make sure that your home is prepared for sand storms.

Effects of Landscape on Home Building

Natural landscapes continue to have more significance in the whole construction process. Here are some of how natural landscapes have affected home building.

1. It has led to the use of safer, efficient, better, and more durable materials for construction. This is because most landscapes are very demanding, and a poor material will founder on them.

2. Efficiency in the use of resources and development of better home building techniques and technologies.

3. Landscape can significantly improve home value through aesthetics and ensure better living conditions, which is why many home builders construct homes in such a manner that natural landscapes are preserved or even improved upon.